Monday, November 17, 2008

Prestige Season

With coming of Thanksgiving it is official, we have breached my favorite time of year. For most of us the holidays mean the three 'f's:' food, family, and friends. I am no exception, but for me the holidays mean something more, that mystical 'f' number four. Film.
They say that the first step in addiction recovery is acknowledgment. I've known about my movie problem for quite some time now. I'll be the first one to tell you that I am a film junkie; for me, knowing that hasn't changed a thing. Why? Because I don't want to change--especially not now, it's prestige season!
November 26th through December 26th are four weeks with no less than 10 films of impeccable promise. The next month is to the Oscars what July is to blockbusters. The Oscar bait will be dangling, and I for one, cannot wait to get hooked.

Some highlights...

December 5th:
Frost/Nixon-- Ron Howard's account of the legendary interviews between David Frost and Richard Nixon following the Watergate scandal and Nixon's resignation, the cast includes Kevin Bacon, Sam Rockwell, and Frank Langella as Tricky Dick.

December 12th:
Doubt--Written and directed by John Patrick Shanley, the author of the Pulitzer Prize winning play of the same name, Doubt looks to be a tour de force; tackling issues of faith and morality, starring Meryl Streep, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Amy Adams.

December 25th:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button--Director David Fincher, Brad Pitt, and Cate Blanchett take on F. Scott Fitzgerald's tale of a man who ages in reverse. If the trailer is any indication of the scope and grandeur of the film, Fincher and his cast came through in fine form.

December 26th:
Revolutionary Road--Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are reunited in this adaptation of Richard Yates' iconic tale of a promising young couple who find themselves living the suburban life they always dreaded, directed by Sam Mendes.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Let Us Step Out Into the Night and Pursue That Flighty Temptress, Adventure.

Suffice it to say I regard the above as words to live by. To be certain, my life is quite often devoid of adventure in the traditional sense of the word. However, I subscribe to the idea that each day can hold an adventure all its own. Not so very long ago my dear friend Kelsey--the Dagget to my Norbert--and I decided to visit the Mile High Flea Market. Advertisments would have you believe that it is the place to go if you should ever suffer the misfortune of being, "understuffed." We decided to test that theory for ourselves. We figured that if it turned out to be a bust in terms of shopping, at least we would get to eat some of that delcious looking corn on the cob that the kid in the commercial has. It is somewhat commonplace for us to get lost, and that day was no exception. We found ourselves at Water World before realizing we'd turned the wrong way coming off the highway. (If only we'd thought to "sport our swimming spoots.") When we finally did make it to the flea market, we found the offerings were not quite the bounty of bargains we had hoped for, and the corn? Unsavory to say the least--a grilled ear of corn with a wad of napkins smooshed around the husk, submerged in a vat of gooey 'butter' to be uncermoniously thrust into the next waiting hand. (By the way, thanks to my Aunt Jenny for ordering me to take hand sanitizer) Still, I wouldn't call the day a complete failure--we did snap a picture of the 'ultimullet,' and only narrowly passed up the opportunity to purchase some grillz. Perhaps our time would've been better spent at Water World, but given a time machine I wouldn't change a thing. Call me sentimental, but I take pleasure in the details, and invite you to do the same.