Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Fab Five

So lately I have been a movie crier. When this phenomenon began I couldn't begin to fathom what might have caused such a change. I still don't really know, but I have decided I don't much about why it started. Honestly, I kind of like it; it is one of the most pure emotions I've ever known.

Most recently The Wrestler brought the tears. It was a fanastic, breathtaking film, and one that I believe everyone should experience. Having said that I have no intention of mulling over what about that film made my cry, I already know that. I'm more interested in meditating on the thoughts that occured to me afterward; that they followed a moment of such clairvoyance makes them consequential in my view.

Almost exclusively my thoughts have turned to the people who are most important to me, the people I couldn't live without. They are never far from my thoughts. Most of them will never read this, I just wanted to put down in words what they mean to me.

Below they will be numbers, but if they happen upon this they will know who they are.

1. My other half, my best friend. I miss you everyday, I wouldn't be who I am without having known you. Though I hate that we are not going through this experience together, I am so glad that you have found your niche. After the better part of the past two years spent apart I know that nothing is about to change between us, that is an endless source of comfort. There is no one else with whom I would rather create a religion or a conspiracy theory. Loves!

2. I must first apologize for the timing on this one--I am somewhat angst-ridden about the pending changes between us. Know that you are one of the people who feels like home to me, it is no small wonder that I hate the fact that you are leaving. Know that I cannot say goodbye to you, as I can scarcely bring myself to write these words. My weekends won't be the same without you and your fam--nor will T Bell. You say that nothing will change and I cling to the hope that you are correct; distance I grow to accept, but an altered us is unacceptable. I've got nothing but love for you and miss you already.

3. My roomie. What would I do without you? I would probably just be lost and somewhat pathetic. I love our random late-night distraction and discussions, stupid debates (I still maintain that Rose did not hold on too tight), and random rating systems. I love you so much it's retarded--even though you don't like slushees. I still haven't given up on making you love Harry Potter, it will happen. Can we talk about how much I love our plots to interfere in other people's love affairs? Cause it is a lot; admittedly we do need to work on our tactics.

4. The most quotable person I know. I have come to think of you as a mentor, confidant and advisor. I love that I can talk to you for hours, about anything, everything and nothing. I feel safe and loved with you. You are a greater comfort to me than you could know.

5. Bottom line, you gave me life. I have never wanted for anything and I know that is because of you. Without your strength I couldn't and wouldn't be the person that I am. One day I'll take care of you. Much love.

Enough said.